SmokeFreeNC Complaint Form (Report a Violation)
SmokeFreeNC Complaint Summary and Enforcement Action Status (Updated Weekly)
Welcome to the North Carolina Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch web site. Advocates and professionals will find information about evidence-based ways to reduce the toll of tobacco* use on N.C. communities and to promote tobacco-free living. You can also find information for people trying to quit on our QuitlineNC site.
When the Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch references tobacco, the reference is for all commercial tobacco products, including new products such as electronic cigarettes, and not the sacred and traditional use of tobacco by some American Indian communities.
Tobacco use remains the number one preventable cause of death and disease in North Carolina and the United States. The good news is WE KNOW WHAT WORKS and we are making steady progress in North Carolina and the nation. We work on this complex public health problem by building support for proven strategies to:
Local Government Toolkit
Branch Websites